While the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is not currently undertaking any job action, and none is immediately planned, the option to implement job sanctions beyond the end of the current school year is now available for the executive of the STF.  

In a vote held this week that saw 83 percent of the membership cast a ballot, the result was a resounding yes, with 95 percent of the votes giving the executive the mandate to extend the measures if needed.  

In a release that was issued Thursday night, the STF stated the job sanctions would only be implemented if another impasse at the bargaining table is reached. Currently, in the wake of the STF rejecting what was called a final offer earlier this month, the two sides are at the table, starting to meet on Wednesday, and agreeing to continue meeting right through the week.  

“We welcome the resumption of negotiations this week, and we are optimistic that teachers’ decisive rejection of the government’s contract offer, and this renewed sanctions mandate, will serve as a wake-up call,” said STF President Samantha Becotte in the written release. 

If further job action is undertaken by the STF, they have stated they will provide a minimum of 48 hours' notice. Since the start of job action in January, teachers have staged three one-day walk-outs province-wide, a single-day walkout in the southeast as part of rotating strikes, and a complete withdrawal of extracurricular supports.  

The two sides remain furthest apart on the issue of class size and complexity. The STF has said they want specific language addressing it included in the agreement, while the government has been steadfast in its position it will not include it in any collective agreement.