In just a few weeks, the Weyburn Salvation Army will be kicking off the Summer Lunch program. The wildly successful program helps to provide lunches for children throughout the summer.  

“We have one month til our lunch program starts, and we have most of July filled up, but we still have 20 days left for sponsorship if anybody is out there looking to do a good deed,” explained Nicole Strickland with the Salvation Army. The sponsors for the lunch program, which can be individuals, businesses or organizations, generally provide a donation to cover the cost of the lunch for the day. However, some organizations have also opted to physically provide the lunch in past years, helping to set up a barbecue or something like that.  

Last year, the summer lunch program prepared 100 lunches a day. With the increase in demand for services from the Weyburn Salvation Army Food Bank in recent months, however, they are planning for 150 lunches a day.  

Those who are interested in donating to the program can reach out to the Salvation Army at {306) 842-2280.