Lots of gags and laughs happening with Crocus 80 Theatre Improv group!  

“It's been going really well. We’ve got a couple of regulars which I'm pretty excited about and so we've been going now for about a month and it’s been a lot of fun!” shared Charlotte Jones, Improv Coach. 

It’s not too late to catch in on the fun, the group gathers every Thursday night at the Tommy Douglas Centre at 7:30 pm and runs until about 8:30 pm.

“There's plenty of room and everyone who comes their first class is free, and so we just would love for everyone to come just for one class to see what it's like. And then, yeah, if they want to come for more, they're welcome. We still have two months left, and it's only $30.00.” 

Photo courtesy of Crocus 80

Charlotte added there’s no need to be nervous. 

“If you are there and you're like, oh, I really feel embarrassed to be yelling and screaming. Don't worry, I'll be louder than you and more embarrassing than you. Yeah, come out,” chuckled Charlotte. 

Anyone 13 years or older is welcome to join.