It is a pretty big task, but already crews from the City of Weyburn are working on cleaning up the abundance of snow that has fallen on the city. 

“It's slow because the snow is really heavy. It's really wet. It's not the best conditions right now, so crews are focusing on downtown right now,” explained Paige Tenbult, communications coordinator for the City of Weyburn. “We're going to try and get that all done wrapped.” 

Up today, before the weekend, while we have seen so much snow, there are parts of downtown where it looks like nothing has even fallen as crews have been hard at work to clean up. And this includes all of the sidewalks in and around the downtown area. 

“A lot of businesses weren't open yesterday and we noticed that because a lot of the sidewalks weren't cleared off, but our crews got down here real early in the morning to try and get those sidewalks cleared off, and we're seeing lots of people walking around right now,” Tenbult added. “Businesses are back open. It's good to see that stuff.” 

The one thing that definitely can't be overlooked is the fact that. This is the largest single snowfall that has ever been seen in Weyburn, at least on record. 

“Yeah, it's incredible. The amount of snow, I mean, I'm hearing that farmers have never seen this in their careers,” Tenbult stated. “I know people I work with have never seen this before. We have a coworker who actually came out from east from Halifax and she said it kind of reminds her of home in the sense that it's that wet, damp snow, but she's never seen this amount either.” 

The crews will be moving into the primary and secondary routes once they get downtown done, and from there they'll be helped a lot by Mother Nature, with temperatures expected to be above freezing and returning to seasonal by the middle of next week.