Tomorrow may be the first day of school, but plans are already in the works for the first month at the Weyburn Comprehensive.

Student Representative Council (SRC) Co-chair Emily Haupstein said they will be busy this week making students feel welcome. Tomorrow is registration day at the Comp and the SRC will have fun activities for the Grade 7 students.

"The rest of the week we have some spirit days," shared Haupstein, including Eagle Pride Day on Friday. The first home game for the Eagles is on Saturday.

SRC Co-chair Landon Field said some SRC members will have the chance to attend student leadership conferences this month.

"One is SSLC, the Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference in Langenburg, and this is from the 19th to the 21st of September," shared Field. "There are five students attending CSLC in Edmonton and that is from the 25th to the 27th of September."

The SRC is also excited to be bringing back a successful program they had four years ago at the school. It's called Breaking Down the Walls and takes place from September 10 to 12. SCR Co-chair Carolyn Manning said its designed to build school community and bring the students closer together.

"Then on the 13th we have a fundraising carnival for Breaking Down the Walls and it's for the whole community, so we invite everyone to come," shared Manning. "Its September 13th from 4 to 8 p.m. Admission is free but there will be tickets available to purchase at the door."

They'll have sack races, pie in the face, ring toss, bouncy houses and more.

Check out the video interview of Landon Field, Emily Haupstein and Carolyn Manning by Discover Weyburn's Marna McManus: