Do you see garbage while you're ou ton your walks and wish someone would clean it up?

The City of Weyburn's Environmental Committee is hoping that someone can be you, and City Councillor Laura Morrissette, said while the official 'Wey Clean Week' takes place May 10th to 14th, the cleaning up can start now.

"So we're just encouraging people to get out, take pride in your neighbourhood, pick stuff up, if you're at the park, hopefully you have a bag in your pocket to just pick up those little bits that have collected over the winter, and just take pride in our community," she said.

"I know we don't have the oil show or the fair or anything, but people are still going to drive through, and we want to show that we love Weyburn."

Morrissette said ideally, bubble groups will go out into the community to clean up trash.

"We want to make sure people are safe, so if you're out walking with your family, or those people that you've stayed really close with, please, by all means."

"Pick up your garbage, and take pictures. Send them in to Paige at City Hall, because we have some prize packages that the Environment Committee wants to give away," she noted.

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Morrissette suggests everyone take it on as part of the new normal, as, either way, we'll be washing our hands upon returning indoors. She also suggests, for those who prefer not to use bare hands, to use other bags as gloves, or use gloves, or even a stabby-grabby stick device designed for just such a purpose.

"We're not expecting everybody to pick up after everybody else's dog or cat or anything, but just those cigarette package that you might see, or the restaurant cup, you want to get those up off the ground, because they're not biodegradable, and they're just going to stay there," she explained.

The Wey Clean Week is also spurring on some friendly competition between the two City Councillors who are still raising children, Morrissette and Councillor Ryan Janke.

"I thought maybe Ryan and I can encourage our kids to get out there and really be the champions. You know, clean up our yards and post pictures while we're having fun doing it."

Morrissette said she also served on the Environment Committee in her previous term on Weyburn City Council, and she was in charge of organizing a re-vamped highway clean-up initiative.

"I was out there with the Ag Society, and the Fire Department, and it was so much fun. Finding that silver lining of knowing that people are impressed when they drive into our city. They think, 'hey, it's a clean place, and we want to be tourists in this City'."

She added that prior to Wey Clean Week, the City will be reaching out to downtown businesses, and they're also hoping schools will get involved in the excitement as well.