While the start of the summer is still a few months away, the City of Weyburn is already starting the process of hiring summer students for the year.

Brittany Hutt is the Human Resources Manager with the City of Weyburn. She said they are accepting applications for a variety of positions.

“We currently have all of our summer student career opportunities posted and we have opportunities available in all of our departments,” Hutt elaborated. “So we have finance, leisure, public works, the water treatment plant.”

The jobs vary, as do the dates working. For many of the students who do spend the summers working here, though, a number of permanent opportunities eventually open up in the community, resulting in these students opting to come back to Weyburn after they are finished their education.

“In our finance department we had somebody move from a parks student (job) and now they work full time with us in our finance department,” Hutt pointed out. “We have lots of parks and public works students stay and come on full time.”

With the hiring process underway, those who are interested in applying are encouraged to visit the City of Weyburn website for more information.