The village of Halbrite will remain under an emergency boil water advisory issued by the Saskatchewan Health Authority for the coming days. The order was issued after a single water sample collected in the community tested positive for the bacteria E. coli. 

“We think we know what happened, but it’s all speculation,” Halbrite’s mayor, Dwayne Carlson, told Discover Weyburn Friday morning. “We took some water samples today and we’re actually driving them up to Regina to get tested, and hopefully early next week we’ll have an answer what’s going on and if our water’s any good or not.” 

Carlson said the community has been following along with the order issued by the SHA, and he doesn’t begrudge the health authority for taking the issue as seriously as they have, as E. coli can pose a serious health risk. 

In the notice distributed to residents earlier this week, the SHA states water from the supply and distribution system in Halbrite should be boiled for at least one minute. Those not wishing to boil water should make use of alternate sources of water that are known to be safe. 

The notice applies to all water that may enter a person’s mouth, such as brushing teeth, soaking false teeth and water for food or drink that will not be heated. As well, ice cubes should be made from water that was previously boiled, as the bacteria may survive freezing. 

The notice also states when washing dishes and utensils, they should be soaked in a solution of 10 millilitres of bleach for every litre of water for at least two minutes after being washed. The notice says bleach is not to be mixed with soaps and detergents.