The Weyburn Police Service was called out Saturday after reports of a vehicle being involved in multiple collisions, and then driving away. A witness to the incident was able to keep police informed, and the driver of the suspect vehicle was located, and the investigation began.

“As a result of that, it appears very much the driver suffered a medical incident while driving,” explained Deputy Police Chief Rod Stafford. The driver was taken to hospital as a result of the medical incident.

When situations like this happen, police have a few options available to them, Stafford explained. The first is to handle the situation under the Traffic Safety Act, or potentially the Criminal Code.

“If we believe it’s a medical event that’s affecting somebody’s ability to drive, whether its a singular event or whether it's a culmination of a number of things, of course we don’t know that, we can refer that driver to the medical people at SGI,” Stafford added.

From there, a doctor determines the ability of the driver to continue driving.