Tenille Arts, Weyburn’s own rising country music star, will be making another appearance on the American hit television show, ‘The Bachelor’.

Arts is currently in Los Angeles for tonight's taping of the show.

“They asked me to come back,” she said. “We’re going to do kind of a totally different thing this time, and they’re going to feature my music a little bit more, and I’m performing for an audience this time as well, so we’ve got a bunch of people that RSVP’d to come out to the taping tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to it and I can’t wait for everybody to see it.”

She said it’s unclear exactly who the live audience will be for her performance.

“It’s funny, because we really don’t have a lot of details about what’s going to be taking place, who we’re performing for,” she explained. “We might even actually have two songs on the show, so we’re just waiting to hear how everything goes.”

She said the song she is confirmed to perform is her single, ‘I Hate This’. 

“The bachelor and his date might be there, or it might be his girls who didn’t get on the date, because we’re playing the song ‘I Hate This’, so it’s gonna have to fit in there somewhere,” she chuckled.

She noted that everything in TV-land seems to happen on Hollywood time.

“Everything was pretty last minute,” she said. “Last time, I think I found out maybe three days before I flew to Ft. Lauderdale to film and they were picking the venue up until the last minute. That’s one thing that kind of surprised me about TV filming. I didn’t know what to expect, so it’s interesting to see how everything works.”

Arts said her manager knew one of the show’s producers, and he had been sharing Tenille’s music with her for quite some time. They were looking for a love song, for which Arts’ song ‘Moment of Weakness’ fit in perfectly.

“They fell in love with it,” she said. “It kind of sounded like I wrote it for The Bachelor, the way that the lyrics were and everything. So they just thought it was perfect for the show, and I’m very lucky that they want to support new artists and give us such a big audience to perform for.”

Whether or not the audience will be disgruntled bachelorettes, the entire television-viewing audience will be able to catch the episode featuring Tenille Arts some time in the new year. Discover Weyburn will keep you posted on the exact time for the airing of the episode featuring Weyburn’s future country legend.