The jackpot total climbs each day, while the opportunities are quickly running out to purchase tickets in the 50/50 For Kids brought to you by Don's Plumbing and Heating, in support of the Family Place.

One of the many reasons the community supports the Family Place is their dedication to serving the community by enriching the lives of children and their families.

Chelsey Parise, the Early Learning Community Coordinator with the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division, said they will be taking this to the next level this year. 

"Our partnership with the Family Place will allow for more experiences for our community," she shared. "By connecting with the current Family Place staff, we plan to expand the early learning programs by creating take-home activity bags, resource kits and information, a language and learning space at the new facility and community learning events and much, much more." 

"The Family Place's Family Resource Center is super exciting as it will allow more experiences and resources for the families of our community. Stay tuned for some fun activities that I have planned happening this summer."

Tanya Burdan with the Family Place said their organization is, "a major influence in the lives of Weyburn families. Whether the families are coming just to let the children play or they are part of one of the scheduled programs, the family place offers love, hope and support to the next generation of children and their families."

Find all the details about the 50/50 For Kids HERE