The Boren family has officially become the title sponsor for Theatre A in the future new theatre coming to Weyburn.

"So their name will be associated with that. They're super excited about this project," said the President of the Weyburn Theatre Community Service Coop, Ryan Janke. "We're always very happy to have anybody on board with this, but what's almost just as valuable as the support, is the kind of passion that they brought to the project. That's what I want to see from everyone in the community, to really make sure that this is going to go forward and be something that can strengthen Weyburn and keep us on the map."

Janke said naming rights for the building are still up for grabs, but they'll soon be announcing the sponsor for Theatre B as well.

"We're also looking for a sponsor for the actual screens in two of the theatres, the projection room, and the washroom facilities," he noted. "Over and above that, we will be selling sponsorships for individual seats for $500 for anyone in the community who maybe doesn't want to throw half $1,000,000 at the project but does still want to be a part of it. And everyone can."

He said they'll even have a Walk of Fame display in the lobby area.

"Those stars will be available for about $2,500," Janke explained. "You can have your name permanently on the floor, in a sort of Hollywood Walk of Fame sort of way."

"All of our sponsorship opportunities are available on Weyburn Theatre dot com," he continued. "You can reach out to me, or any member of the board."

"Fundraising obviously comes before construction timelines do," he added. "We're very optimistic that we'll be able to have a date fairly soon, but right now we are looking at some time to break ground end of 2023 with a demo announcement coming very soon."