Each year the community bounces with excitement when the Weyburn Agricultural Society hosts the annual Fair Days. Beyond the thrill and excitement of rides and games, the allure of food also stands as a major attraction. Fair cuisine adds to the social interaction and excitement of the summer event, attracting foodies to dig into old favourites while enticing them to try new flavour experiences. While most of us are not thinking about summer yet, the Ag Society is already busy planning the much-loved event, and Media Coordinator Brandie Fisher shares they already have a call out for this year’s food vendors. 

“They apply on our Google form. I have a few questions on there and then we'll take it to the board. It’s first come, first serve to sign up. Also, it depends on power. We only have so much power and if everybody needs the same amount of power then we'll have to spread them out. So yeah, we had to do an application series this year and then the board will go through them and see what space we have.” 

To fill out the food vendor application you can go to the Weyburn Agricultural Society website or its Facebook page.