Former Principal of Weyburn Comprehensive School, Wade Oberg, has won the decision in an appeal from the Southeast Cornerstone Public School Division.

The appeal was made last spring following a ruling made by the Court of Queen's Bench in Oberg's favour, that Oberg be reinstated as principal of WCS.

Oberg had been demoted in 2017 for allegedly inappropriate behavior duirng a sporting event. Read more HERE and HERE.

Wade and Tammy Oberg have issued the following statement:

"The Court of Appeal agreed with the Queen’s Bench Court that the process followed in my case was unfair and the decision to demote me was unreasonable. These events have had a major impact on me and my family, both professionally and personally. I am grateful the mistakes that were made have been corrected. "

A statement was also issued today from Amanda Quayle, Q.C., McDougall Gauley law firm:

“The decision of the Court of Appeal is confirmation of the importance of procedural fairness in processes that can impact a person’s ability to practice their profession and earn an income. It was important to ensure that the process followed in Wade’s case was a fair one."

"As the Court of Appeal recognized, the decision to demote Wade had grave and permanent consequences on his professional career, which we hope is at least partially remedied by Wade’s reinstatement.”

Discover Weyburn is also awaiting comments from the SECPSD.