Two Weyburn football players will be in the spotlight this summer as they join the 2024 U18 Team Saskatchewan Football team. 

Quarterback Nolan Uhren and Defensive Back Jarret Hayward, both of whom played for the Weyburn Comprehensive Eagles 5A Provincial Championship team, were both picked to represent Weyburn and Saskatchewan at a national level. 

“It’s basically a team of the roughly 40 best players in Saskatchewan,” said Uhren. “We’ll be playing in an eight-team tournament in July with provinces from all across Canada.” 

That tournament is the Football Canada Cup that will be taking place at Mosaic Stadium in Regina. 

“It started with the selection camp in early May and then there was another selection camp which was called the Top 100,” explained Hayward. “Then, fortunately, after the Top 100, Nolan and I both received word that we had made the team.” 

Both players then spent time at training camp and will be back at it over the next few weeks preparing for the tournament. 

“I was really excited,” said Uhren when asked how it felt to get that call. “I didn’t know if I was going to make it. So when I got the email, I was really excited.” 

“Same here, I was thrilled,” added Hayward. “Just from past years and being cut from other teams and finally seeing that email that we made it this year, it was pretty exciting and we are both just really looking forward to it.” 

The boys are set to play on July 7, 10, and 13 and both note that there is a lot more than just football to look forward to. 

“I’m really looking forward to the coaching and the experience,” Uhren noted. “We’re there for a week, we have training camp and then the week of the tournament we’re staying in the dorms in Regina so it’s going to be a great experience with a lot of good guys on that team.” 

“I’m excited to meet some new teammates from across the province too and also just to play against some of the other teams from other provinces,” added Hayward. “There’s not many times you get to represent your province like this and just playing against other provinces like Manitoba, Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, that’s just going to be one of the coolest things I probably ever do.” 

They noted that the games will be live-streamed during the tournament so we can cheer loudly for Uhren, Hayward, and all of Team Saskatchewan.