The R.M. of Weyburn and the R.M. of Brokenshell are hosting a Free Community Barbecue today from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Reeve for the R.M. of Weyburn,  Norm McFadden, said last year's Grand Opening barbecue celebration for their new location at 1633 First Avenue northeast was a big hit with the rate-payers.

"A lot of people who attended it asked if it was going to be an annual thing, so I guess that's how it turned into having another one this year. So those that haven't been in the office yet can come and check it out and come for burgers and hot dogs and a cold drink."

"I guess maybe the reason people are asking if you're going to do it again is everybody's schedules nowadays are busy and on the go, and I think it gave people a chance to meet up with some neighbors they haven't seen in a while and have a chance to have a chat and visit. It was a good time last year and hoping for the same this year," he shared. 

He said everyone has even more to talk about this year.

"We've had lots of good moisture and a recent storm last night, so maybe some not-so-good things to talk about. I looked at the forecast again this morning and it is calling for rain, we'll have some tents set up and, you know what? This part of the country, I don't think anybody really minds the rain."

McFadden added that there will be a gift raffle this year, put together by the administrative staff.

"Looking forward to seeing everybody there." 

This article was originally published on June 24th.
