During the Inquiries and Announcements portion of Monday's regular meeting of Weyburn City Council, upcoming events were discussed, including the Weyburn Agricultural Society's 115th annual Weyburn Fair Days, coming up next week.

Councillor Mel Van Betuw has been sitting on the Agricultural Society's board as the City representative since January of this year.

"Through that period, I've certainly found that the people who serve on that board are very passionate about everything that goes on at the Ag Society, and they spend hours at this time getting things ready and making everything perfect," he commented. "

Van Betuw said he's a big fan of the fair.

"I think it's one of the biggest economic benefactors to the City. It brings a lot of people in, gives the children some place to go," he said. "That takes a lot of work to put on. They go through a lot of effort to bring in different events and make the grandstand what it is."

He said there is still a need for volunteers at this year's event, taking place July 4th, 5th, and 6th.

"If you can put in two or three hours and please phone the Ag Society up and volunteer. Your hours are greatly appreciated."

Find out how to get involved HERE.