Statistics Canada released the latest payroll employment, earnings and hours numbers Thursday morning. The data shows the picture of what people were earning in September, along with how many hours people were working in various sectors.  

Here in Saskatchewan, the average weekly earnings in September were $1193.08. This was up by $41 from August, but still below the national average.  

The biggest driver in terms of wages was the mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction sector, which plays a key role in the economy of the southeast corner. The average wage for those in the resource extraction industries was $2217.78. This was a substantial increase from August when it was $2088.06. It was also the first time the number had been above $2200 since May.  

The sector where weekly earnings were the lowest was the accommodation and food services industry. The average weekly was was $432.02. This is the highest wages in that sector have been since May of 2022, but still below the national average.  

The biggest month to month decline for weekly earnings was in the information and cultural industries. The average weekly wage fell by $115.90 to $1287.82. The largest increase, aside from resource extraction, was in construction.