A fundraiser Saturday night for the Weyburn and District Hospital Foundation certainly put the 'fun' back into fundraiser. 

The 'Let's Fiesta!' theme encouraged guests to dress casual in bright colors, flowy dresses, embroidered clothing, or anything festive - and they did not disappoint.

"This is a wonderful event here and it looks like it was very well-organized and with a great food, and this is a good event to see and to celebrate the coming of our hospital," commented Mayor of Weyburn, Marcel Roy. 

Dustin Duncan, MLA for Weyburn-Big Muddy, was also in attendance.

The sold-out event had a packed house of 208 people, a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction.

Completing the theme was the aroma of culinary delights.

"Angelo and his staff at McKenna made it," shared organizer Whitney Johnson. "So we did a Taco bar and a churro bar for dessert. Alfredo is kicking the Fiesta off and and we have a mariachi band later. Then of course, we have our tequila cart."

"We have a lot of sponsors to helping us out, so it's a lot of support to raise some money for the new hospital."

The new hospital is expected to be underway in 2025. Read more at the related link below. Follow the WDHF on Facebook HERE.

Enjoy a video of Alfredo's performance during dinner, and a gallery of photos taken during the event: