A fairly light agenda for tonight's regular meeting of Weyburn City Council includes reports from departments, a tax arrear report, an amendment to the zoning bylaw, and an application for a home-based business.

Departments delivering reports are Finance, Public Works, Water Treatment Plant, and the Building department. As well, the tax arrears will be discussed for the properties not having taxes paid within 60 days, subject to applicable fees. After 60 days, a lien is registered on the Title of the properties that are still unpaid.

A 'controversial' home-based business application will be reviewed for Diane Alipio to operate a personal service home-based business (eyelash & eyebrow esthetics) out of their residence, at #4, 238 4th Street northeast. The landlord of the premises has provided her written permission for the applicant to operate a business at this address.

Council will also vote on two zoning bylaw amendments.

The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, located on the upper level of City Hall.

Find the full agenda HERE.

We will have all the details from tonight's meeting for you tomorrow, on air and online.