The Signal Hill Arts Centre is up for sale as the new Recreation and Cultural Centre will take over housing the current programs. 

Signal Hill Arts Centre was originally built as a hospital and nurse training centre, designed and built between 1911-12, then used as a hospital and nurse training centre from 1913-36. It was eventually converted into the arts centre that we know today.

"With the construction of the new facility, the utilization of the signal hill arts center will no longer be necessary," said director of leisure services Andrew Crowe with the City of Weyburn. "That is because we are moving all of our arts programmings."

While the building is up for sale, it is classified as a heritage building meaning that there are limits as to what a potential buyer can do with the exterior of the building. 

The building currently has a pottery studio, kitchen, office spaces and multi-purpose rooms with plenty of parking space while being wheelchair accessible.