A fresh opportunity has emerged to aid the Weyburn Therapeutic Animal Park. As the organization relies entirely on volunteer management, every contribution plays a crucial role in sustaining its operations. This year, the park is teaming up to introduce the SARCAN Drop & Go initiative, and Janel Strang, the Secretary-Treasurer, shares the details. 

“We have just started the initiative with SARCAN for a drop and go campaign, where the community can bring their bottles and cans and donate them directly to the Weyburn Therapeutic Animal Park. When you're returning your bottles at SARCAN you just ask for our account, and we have the password of ‘Goat.’ And all of the funds go directly back to the park which is 100% volunteer driven. So all funds go to the care of the animals and back into the upkeep of the park.” 

Strang also mentioned the park is looking for additional volunteers to help for the 2024 spring-summer season, and the season opener will be held in May however the date is still to be determined.

Volunteers can contact the Weyburn Therapeutic Animal Park on its Facebook page
