Traffic offences were a common theme for the Weyburn Police Service over the past week. Of the 93 calls for service, which is an average number of calls for a week, no criminal charges were laid but there were 12 tickets handed out under the Traffic Safety Act.  

Police said of the 12 tickets, five were for speeding, three for using a cell phone while driving, and two for failing to stop at a stop sign. The offences for the other two tickets were not disclosed.  

With traffic offences taking up much of the work for the police in the past week, the WPS is reminding residents to report impaired drivers through the RID program and thank those who have reported impaired drivers in the past.  

To report an impaired driver, motorists can pull over, call 911 and then provide details regarding the suspected impaired driver. These details include where they were seen, the direction they are heading, a description of the vehicle, and possibly a description of the driver.  

During the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show next week, the WPS is anticipating an increase in traffic on the streets of the city. They are also planning to conduct at least one high-visibility traffic enforcement project during the week. Recent enforcement projects conducted in Weyburn have resulted in two criminal charges for impaired driving, and three suspensions for 72 hours in relation to drug or alcohol testing.  

The WPS is also looking at conducting a major Selective Traffic Enforcement Project in conjunction with the Estevan Police Service near the end of June. The project will see officers from Weyburn, Estevan and other policing agencies from around the province taking part. They will be spending one day focusing on the Estevan area, and another day on the Weyburn area. The project is planned for June 26th and 27th.