Weyburn City Council started the process of amending the Refuse Bylaw during Monday’s meeting. The rates in the bylaw were scheduled to be reviewed, and the Engineering department looked at the bylaw as a whole to update it to have appropriate language, as well as clarify some of the services provided.  

The changes included addressing the addition of recycling services, eliminating references to the 240L carts as they are no longer offered, as well as including an option for a second refuse or recycling cart for a household.  

The rate changes will see the monthly environmental fee, which is included in the monthly utility bills, increase by $0.25 in 2024, and will go up by $0.25 a year until 2026, when it will be $5.75 a month. As well, the landfill decommissioning fee will go up by the same amount, reaching $1.75 a month by 2026. The fee for additional carts will start at $10 a month and will be $11.00 in 2026. 

City Councillor Larry Heggs asked what the environmental fee goes towards during the meeting. It was explained the fee goes towards the general operating costs of the landfill, as well as helping to cover things such as the Hazardous Waste Day, which is held once a year.  

There were some fees that were removed from the rate card as well, such as those for the disposal of fridges and stoves at the landfill. 

“We have eliminated that from the fee schedule because we actually don’t take them,” explained Director of Engineering Jennifer Wilkinson during the meeting. “There is another establishment within the city of Weyburn who does.” 

The monthly recycling fee will not be changing, as the fee is locked in with the recycling provider until the end of 2026.  

The bylaw received its first reading, and the councillors will bring it back at the next scheduled meeting on November 27th.