Art serves as a therapeutic tool by providing a creative outlet for individuals to express emotions and experiences that may be difficult to articulate verbally. Engaging in artistic activities such as painting and drawing can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by allowing individuals to focus on the present moment and channel their energy into a constructive and meaningful endeavor. 

To bolster mental health, the Canadian Mental Health Association will be hosting art classes two evenings a month for February, March, and April, Program Director, Tasha Collins gives more details. 

“The first session each month will be the second Wednesday and that's going to be for all ages, so anyone under the age of 16 would be asked to be accompanied by an adult. But outside of that, everybody is welcome. And then the second class each month is on the fourth Wednesday of every month and that is an adult-only class. So, participants must be 18 years of age or older to attend that one.” 

Collins explained that pre-registration is required to ensure sufficient supplies and advised booking early as classes fill up quickly. To reserve your spot, email, for more information call (306)842-7959. 

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