Recently, I played the role of the less-than-great recycler for the City of Weyburn's new recycling campaign.

This new campaign is aimed at teaching residents the do's and don'ts of recycling.

So, how on earth did I become the face of the "meh" recyclers?

It started with this picture.

As soon as I saw it, I took a screenshot and sent it to my mom with the caption "I think this is my fault". 

Don't get me wrong, I knew not to put a pizza box that was covered in sauce and cheese into the recycle bin. But I figured if it looked clean that it would be alright.


As I was chatting with Paige Tenbult at City Hall, she said that there are A LOT of misconceptions similar to mine.

So we decided to join HILARIOUS forces to clear it all up.

The City is going to be releasing the series of videos throughout the week but we've got your full collection below.

What a blast!

And I do solemnly swear that I won't put anymore pizza boxes in the recycle bin (apparently rinsing doesn't even help, it just gives you soggy cardboard).