While the City of Weyburn’s new planning and development co-ordinator started in April, she was officially appointed to the role by Weyburn City Council during Monday night’s meeting.  

Shara-Lee Malcolm has stepped into the position, which is responsible for reviewing applications which come in for all development in the city. 

“Basically, if residents, or any commercial type of development, might want to come in, I have to approve it based on the zoning that we have set out in our bylaw,” Malcolm explained about the role. “I have to look at any new construction, whether it be driveways, garages, buildings; I have to ensure that it’s following the proper setbacks set out in our bylaw as well.” 

Malcolm comes into the position with a wealth of knowledge. Originally from Jamaica, she finished school there with a degree in urban planning. After that, she went to Manitoba, where she did her Masters in rural development. Then, the Land of the Living Skies came calling. She moved to Regina, where she lives for the time being while commuting to Weyburn every day.  

The transition from Jamaica to the Canadian Prairies is a big one, but Malcolm said she was a little prepared for what she could expect, particularly in the months of November to March.  

“I did experience winters in Ontario,” Malcolm chuckled. “I have family in the Toronto area – the GTA – but it’s nothing compared to Manitoba. That was an eye-opener for me.” 

Malcolm is planning on making the permanent move to Weyburn by July and is looking forward to getting to know the community more. 

“I’m getting familiarized with a lot of contractors that come in right now,” Malcolm said. She is also starting to learn the various street names, and the unique Weyburn pronunciations for some of them.  

“I think just building up that community repertoire, I would say, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most.”