A number of important items on the agenda for Weyburn City Council when they meet in the council chambers tonight. This includes an update on preparations for the municipal election in the fall, a couple of tenders, some bylaws, and a discretionary use permit.  

The report on the municipal election will go over things such as the dates of the polling when mail-in ballots will be accepted, when the advance polls are held, and when special polls will be held. The election day itself is on November 13th.  

There will also be a discussion on concrete crushing, as there is a sizable amount at the landfill that needs to be taken care of, and the last time the crushing was done was back in January 2022. There will also be an RFP for the replacement of a portion of the roof at the Weyburn Public Library.  

The bylaws that will be introduced include one to make changes to the internal rules for short-term borrowing. This is due to potential overages of projects planned for the summer, such as the 1st Avenue paving project.  

The other bylaw will concern the installation of swimming pools, primarily in-ground pools, as there are currently no bylaws in the City of Weyburn regulating them.  

Council will also discuss a discretionary use permit from Pumpjacks concerning an outdoor concert held there during the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show next week. There have been concerns expressed about the concert in previous years, primarily due to the noise levels later in the night.  

We will have full coverage of the meeting, on-air and online, starting tomorrow morning.