The Market on the Farm event is happening this Saturday, June 29th on a farm off Highway 39.  The event will feature vendors and live musicians alongside a barbecue and outdoor games. Organizer and host Alissa Bjorn invites the community: 

“Come on out to Market on the Farm this Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. As you head out on Highway 39 to Regina, you will see signs just past the grain elevator. We have a ton of local artists and vendors, musicians, and barbecue. Come stay a while. We have an admission of $2 per adult, children are free.” 

“We're hosting a Farmers Market essentially, with about 15 vendors coming out, live music, and amazing food.” 

The musicians scheduled to perform at the event are Marshall Schettler, Robin Davison, and JP Harmony. 

“I mean, we are always open to more vendors and if anyone is interested in doing music, we would love to connect just because we're always going to be looking. It's just good to have a pool of people that are wanting to do this.” 

Bjorn says she wants the event to be about the community coming together and supporting local business.  

“It's not just a come, look around, and get out, there and move on with your day. We really want to invite people. We're going to have outdoor games for the kids, that kind of thing. Just to hang out and play.” 

“We'll be trying to make this a community thing, where we are local community supporting local business owners and vendors, and people with a passion to share something they love, whether it's sourdough or their art or coffee or whatever it is.” 

This is the first time this event has been held this year; it will happen every month until October with another possibly happening around Christmastime.   

“We're so appreciative for all the support that we had last month, and it just filled our hearts to see people being drawn together and laughing and enjoying the music. I got so many messages from people saying, ‘thank you.  This is something that this town really needs', and we're excited to do it again.” 
