The Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, (FGBMFI) Weyburn Chapter is gearing up for its first banquet of the year on Saturday, February 3 at the Weyburn Legion.  

President, Taka Iida highlights the importance of the regular banquet meetings creating community connection. However, he also notes that it is through a combination of his clinical experience as an acupuncturist and becoming a group member that he recognized a deeper need for the organization.  

“I've been doing acupuncture in Weyburn for about 20 years and knowing people. And I feel the urgency for men, especially the Christian men, to get together and to lift up each other because of mental illness. I see the depression and anxiety and then as men, we don't really talk, and we don't really connect unless we have a close friend. So, my intention is to have about ten members, we get together once a month and then just to share, like no one is preaching, just to share our life and then have a fellowship and have coffee and donuts.” 

While the men’s group meets once a month the banquets are open to everyone. Kicking off the year as the first guest speaker is David Willis, a manager of a trucking company from Meyronne, SK, joining him will be his wife Sally and their four daughters. 

“We invite speakers who are just ordinary people like you and me. And then they share the story about Jesus, and how they met Jesus,” added Taka. 

To contact Taka for more information or reserve your tickets you can call (306)861-9545, or e-transfer to Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for 12 and under, and six and under eat free. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 3rd, downstairs at the Weyburn Legion.