We all need a shoulder to lean on once in a while. When the valleys of life spring forth, this is when we often find out who our truest friends are.  

Kathy Glowastki has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, she has had a mastectomy and now she has a long journey of chemotherapy treatments ahead of her. Malia Brackpool and Rose McInnes are organizing a fundraiser to help with costs associated with travel and to help alleviate some of the added stress that comes with this kind of a journey. 

“We're taking donations up until April 1st and then once we have everything organized and finalized, then we will start selling our tickets,” said Malia Brackpool. 

“She (Kathy) will be needing to do chemo for the next several months, so lots of trips to Regina. Lots of doctor's appointments, things like that. So it's going to be a long road ahead for her.” 

To donate to the fundraiser you can contact Malia at CollabArtive Studios or message her on her Facebook page here, or you can contact Rose at Blue Earth Environmental or on her Facebook page here