A one-day strike for members of the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation will be coming up on Tuesday, January 16th, which, for students in the province, means no school that day.

"We're pleased that we've been given significant notice on the STF's decision on what they want to do with sanctions this time around," said Gwen Keith, Director of Education for the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division.

She noted the only staff who will be at their schools on Tuesday will be non-STF staff, who will be doing work directed by on-site Supervisors.

"I mean students aren't there, so buses don't run, and our bus drivers will be engaged in other activities," Keith noted. "So that's what Tuesday looks like, and our biggest concern is making sure that parents are informed of this information that impacts their children for Tuesday, as they find alternative childcare for that day. So lots of communication processes in place and an opportunity for us to respect the rights of our staff members, and at the same time, make sure everybody's safe in the process, especially during this cold weather."

Keith said she empathizes with parents who have to find alternate supports for the one day.

"It's definitely a hardship, but I'm respectful that we've been given a lot of notice, so it's not like people just have 24 hours to make a decision here. They've got lots of notice to find alternative supports for their family and I do acknowledge it will be difficult for some families, but that is the reality."

Extra-curricular activities, she added, will be continuing this weekend and on Monday.