The Southern Sask Wild and Free Homeschooling group will be sending up to 30 kids to learn about wilderness survival basics on May 24th.

Homeschooling Mom Carol Brucks said she can't even start a fire in her own back yard fire pit, which is part of why this piqued her interest for the homeschoolers, and it should spark some interest for those hoping to one day try 'roughing it'.

"I got a chance to take a look at the Saskatchewan Parks' educational opportunities that they have out right now and I headed to their website and I found out that Echo Valley Provincial Park offers a Wilderness 101 course for up to 30 students and that was open to classrooms as well as homeschooling communities," she explained.

With the course being only about an hour long, it will still cover knot tying, trip planning, fire-starting and more.

"In Saskatchewan, a lot of us go camping quite a bit, and I think a lot of us just sort of rely on other people to help us with this stuff, and to be able to give it to the children to learn that and have those skills themselves would be a great opportunity for them."

Brucks said this will give them the foundation they need to keep digging deeper on the survival skills, or at the very least be more comfortable with this first set of skills. 

And, since it's Echo Valley Provincial Park, she added, "Some of the families are taking along their younger kids and they'll just be letting those little ones kind of explore the park with the adults while the older kids go off and do this program. Then we hope to stick around for a picnic after, if the weather holds for us, and take advantage of some of the trails and paths in Echo Valley park as well."