The heavy wind on Wednesday knocking a very large branch off of a tree in Christan Barker's yard in east Weyburn gave her cause for concern, especially because if it had snapped, it would have destroyed her inflatable hot tub, her garage, or her pets.

She said she had been looking out her bedroom window when she noticed a baby bird was on the ground, with its mother feeding it.

"I was worried that my one dog would kill it because that's what she does, so I took the dogs out and I walked out with them instead of just letting them out, and then I came back around the deck and noticed my tree was hanging really low, and touching the garage roof and right by our hot tub," she shared. "So I started to panic because my husband is not here. He's on a business trip in Ontario right now."

"I was phoning around, I tried to call my regular tree guy and he was busy, but he was going to get here after lunch. But at every wind gust that came up, it was cracking more and more and more and I was like, 'oh no, I'm going to lose something!' So I messaged my auntie to see if my uncle was available, which she wasn't because he's farming."

Her Auntie Judy said she would come by right away to see if she could help, but the two determined the tree branch would be too heavy for them to manage.

"So then I had put a post on Facebook in the meantime, and my friend Joyce, who just lives around the corner from me, was like, 'I got some heavy duty pruning shears, and I've got a chainsaw I can bring over', and I was like, 'well, maybe because like every wind gust and just cracked more and more'."

Barker said she was concerned about her dogs getting hit if they went outside, as well as the possibility of her garage being hit, or her inflatable hot tub. 

"So [Joyce] popped over, my aunt was here and we took it down together. Joyce trimmed a bunch of the like the main branches first, and then once we got to that one main one, I helped hold it and she kind of cut the big one off and my aunt hauled all the pieces all around the side of the yard."

"It just made me feel good that three women could accomplish it!"

She added that usually their yard is well-blocked from wind, with sheds in the neighbour's yard. 

"We're in a really blocked area. We never get damaged. So I was really shocked," she noted. "But I think just all the blooms on the tree weighed it down even more, and it just had a weak spot and just cracked. We've never had wind really in this direction, so we've never lost shingles before or anything like that. The branch was right on the roof of the garage and hitting my eavestroughs and everything."

While Barker's power was also cutting off, she admitted her biggest concern was for her hot tub, but girl power and a little determination saved that and her property from any further damage.