A warm front is expected really heat things up in Weyburn over the next few days, and set some records along the way. 

According to Environment Canada, the record for the hottest January 30th was set back in 1993, when the temperature reached 7°. The warmest January 31st on record was also in 1993, with a daytime high of 9.5°. Both of those records could fall this week, plus a few more, if the forecast holds. 

As of this morning, Environment Canada is calling for a daytime high of 7° tomorrow, and 9° on Wednesday. This means records could be set for both days. 

The record high temperatures come just two and a half weeks after Weyburn and area came close to setting records for the coldest temperatures ever seen in the city, as Arctic air brought a stretch of six days of temperatures -20° or colder during the day, and nearing -40° overnight. 

The daytime highs, and the overnight lows, expected for this week are also close to 20° warmer than the seasonal average. 

You can keep up to date with the latest forecast on the Discover Weyburn Weather page.