UPDATE: Environment Canada issued a wind warning for Weyburn and the surrounding areas just before 9:00 a.m., as an updated forecast called for winds to gust up to 90 kilometres an hour out of the northwest, and sustained winds were expected to be around 70 kilometres an hour throughout the day. 


It seems to be a regular occurrence – the Saskatchewan Oil & Gas Show is held in Weyburn, and the weather is either windy, rainy, or both. This year, it will be windy. Very windy.  

Environment Canada is calling for sustained winds of 60 kilometres an hour, and gusts of up to 80 kilometres an hour, throughout the day today. While they will start to taper off slightly overnight, they will pick back up again tomorrow.  

“It’s on the backside of a low that’s into central Manitoba,” explained meteorologist Stephen Berg with Environment and Climate Change Canada. “This low is quite strong, actually, and is also producing some quite windy conditions for northern Manitoba – different wind direction though.” 

The winds will also get close to the criteria for a wind warning to be issued for the region, something Berg said they will be keeping an eye on. 

“Meteorologists and operations will be assessing things and monitoring things and will issue a wind warning if they feel that wind warning criteria should be met.” 

The wind speeds could also set some records. The highest sustained wind speed seen in Weyburn on June 5th was 48 kilometres an hour back in 2014. The maximum wind gust, set the same year, was 72 kilometres an hour.  

So, what should people keep in mind when winds get like this, aside from making sure the lawn furniture is secured? 

Berg recommended staying out of the wind if possible. 

“Being outside in these types of winds is not very pleasant,” he noted. “Being outside in these types of winds is not very pleasant – might have to contend with a bit of blowing dust if it’s a dry area, but recent rains have helped.” 

Berg also stated driving conditions will be less than ideal, and that winds like this have been known to wreak havoc on the highways, particularly with semis, who have tall, long surfaces that can easily catch the wind, forcing them to topple over.  

The winds are expected to die down in time for the weekend, with sunshine and temperatures into the 20s expected. You can find all of the details on the Discover Weyburn Weather page.