While the municipal elections are still five months away, those who want to have their name on the ballot are already beginning to make their intentions known. One of the first to make an announcement is City Councillor Jeff Richards. 

“I have made the decision to let my name stand for Mayor of Weyburn this fall,” Richards told Discover Weyburn. “A couple of folks, a lot of folks I suppose, have asked me if I'm going to do that, and encouraged me to do that, and I’m very flattered by that.” 

Richards explained this seemed like the next step to take after serving for two terms on the City Council. In addition to serving on the council, Richards has held a number of public roles, including with the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce, Southeast College, and the Wor-Kin Shop.  

“Two, three years back, I thought to myself, if you’re going to keep doing this, serving the people of Weyburn, which by the way, I’m honoured to do and I love it, then probably the next step would be to seek the mayor’s seat,” Richards said of what led him to the decision. “I think there’s a little bit more that I can offer... not a little bit more, frankly. I think I’ve got a lot more to offer.” 

While Richards has announced he wants to run for mayor, not everything can be official yet. The nomination period opens in the fall, and the vote itself is November 13th.