While there has been a lot of discussion about the collective agreement between the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and the provincial government in recent weeks, other agreements have been negotiated at the local level as well.  

Last week, the South East Cornerstone Public School Division ratified a new local collective agreement that had been approved by the South East Cornerstone Teachers Association. This agreement is separate from the provincial agreement, as in Saskatchewan, there is a bi-level bargaining process.  

The provincial level covers items such as salary, pension, teacher-assigned time, working conditions, and other benefits. The local agreement, also known as a LINC agreement (Local Contract Negotiating Committee) covers several items at the local level. This includes things such as what leaves are going to be during the year, what is defined as immediate family, how earned days off will be covered by extracurricular hours done, professional growth and development, notification of superannuation and dispute resolution.  

The new agreement that was reached by SECPSD and SECTA, which the school division board ratified during their meeting on May 22nd, takes effect on August 1st of this year and goes until July 31st, 2027. The agreement received a vote of yes from 85 percent of the teachers in SECTA.  

The voting for the new agreement at the provincial level will be taking place this week. Teachers will be voting on Wednesday and Thursday, with the results to be announced on Thursday after the members of the STF are notified of the results.