According to the latest Crop Report for May 14th to 20th, released this morning from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, seeding in the Weyburn area is ahead of the rest of the province at 77 percent.   

The southeast is at 61 percent seeded, up 25 percent from last week, with the provincial average at just 56 percent, and most falling behind the five-year average of 71 percent.

Producers in the southeast have made great progress over the last week despite some rain delays. Rain fell throughout most of the region over the past week. The highest rainfall recorded was in the Whitewood and Avonlea areas at 36 mm and 33 mm respectively. These amounts were closely followed in the Rouleau region at 28 mm. The Big Beaver and Stoughton areas received 25 mm and 20 mm respectively. Despite the rainfall over the last couple of weeks, producers reported that so far only one percent of the region did not get seeded this spring due to excess moisture.

Topsoil moisture conditions for cropland are estimated at five percent surplus, 88 percent adequate, six percent short, and one percent very short. Hayland and pasture topsoil moisture conditions are both reported at two percent surplus, 81 percent adequate, 16 percent short, and one percent very short.

Producers rate current pasture conditions as 19 percent excellent, 65 percent good, 12 percent fair, two percent poor and three percent very poor.

As seeding progresses throughout the region, earlier-seeded crops are emerging. Producers estimate that fall and spring cereals are 80 percent and 70 percent of normal development for this time of year. Pulse crops and oilseeds are estimated to both be at 71 percent normal development. Producers noted slight delays to crop development as compared to the expected development stage for this time of the year due to cooler temperatures. Oilseeds are the most delayed at 23 percent behind the expected development stage for this time of year.

Crop damage reported included minor flooding, frost, and wind. A few areas within the region also noted some cutworm and wireworm activity.

Producers will be busy over the next couple of weeks moving cattle to pasture, branding, applying herbicide, and finishing seeding operations.

Find the full provincial crop reports HERE.