Over the past 14 months, a fundraiser has been ongoing to help the family of 8-year-old Isaiah Evans purchase a custom medical van, which will accommodate his wheelchair and other equipment for maintaining his physical needs, including oxygen 24 hours a day.

Yesterday morning, Isaiah's mother, Janelle Evans, called Shannon Seitz, one of the organizers of a GoFundMe, to let her know Isaiah would be released this Thursday from the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital in Saskatoon, where he has been staying since February in order to have a medical procedure.

Seitz, who is Isaiah's Educational Assistant at Legacy Park Elementary School, said the fundraiser still had $16,209 left to go as of yesterday morning. 

"I received a call from Dave Moon with D&P Moon Operating Ltd., he donated $10,000, and his company has previously donated $5,000," shared Seitz. 

Then, Seitz made a post on social media that they still needed $6,000, "and within 45 minutes of the post, I received a call from Valleyview Petroleums Ltd., and the balance was paid off!"

"The best call ever was calling Janelle to let her know Isaiah would be coming home in his van," she shared.

Seitz said they are still waiting for the lift and installation. 

"Due to his surgery, Isaiah is wearing a vest and halo, and he needs to be transported lying down, so the van couldn't have come at a better time. After several weeks in the hospital, he will be able to come home comfortably in his new van!"

Seitz added a big thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser. Efforts included the GoFundMe, a huge bottle collection, fundraiser events, and more.

In all, the community came together to help raise $111,436.25 for the custom medical van.

Read more HERE.

Isaiah's van

isaiah's van