Weyburn's own Contessa Hill was overwhelmed with the support of her friends, family and community when a fundraiser was organized to help alleviate the strain of her own battle with cancer. Following her recovery, Hill is paying it back by following suit with an opportunity to raise money for cancer treatment facilities right here in Saskatchewan. The first ever Relay for Cancer in Weyburn will take place on October 13th from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Credit Union Spark Centre. Many local businesses have chosen to back the event with various sponsorships to see it succeed.

"One big sponsor was E. Bourassa and Sons, they gave me a cheque yesterday to sponsor the event. This way I can use those funds towards anything I need to purchase for the Relay and donate the remainder to our total. Crescent Point Energy has ordered a bunch of water bottles that I will be handing out when registrants hand in their pledge sheets. Numerous other businesses around town have donated items for the raffle table, so I actually started a Relay for Cancer event page on Facebook where I am posting up the items and recognizing their support."

 You can find this event page and the sponsored raffle items by clicking HERE

One key thing that sets this fundraiser apart from others of its kind is the ability for Hill to choose both where and how the donations are utilized. Although she is not entirely sure what options will be the most impactful until a final total is determined after the Relay, she shares that there are some excellent opportunities to keep in mind. Among them are sponsorships of overnight stays for patients in Regina.

"I'm not sure if we'll raise enough money to purchase any equipment, but the final donation will either go towards the Allan Blair Centre in Regina, or the Cancer Patient Lodge in Regina. If it's going towards the Cancer Lodge, then I can sponsor patients to stay there for a couple nights, or a week, that kind of stuff. I'm leaning towards the Cancer Lodge because there are lots of reasons why someone may need to stay there, and it's those things that really add up when you're getting treatment. Either way, the funding will go towards something great!"

 Something that Hill stresses about community participation is that pledges are not required to join the Relay, nor is the ability to walk for 4 straight hours. She is quick to make the point that support is found in many ways and that by showing up for the event, even for a single lap, or by entering the 50/50 draw and purchasing tickets for the raffle table, your contribution will be equally recognized and appreciated. 

"I do not expect you to walk for the whole four hours. If you can, great! But if you come out for one hour, or one lap, that's great too. Hopefully you are able to collect pledges or make a donation towards a pledge sheet, but if not then still feel welcome to join us and consider entering the 50/50 or donating through the raffle table instead. I'm just hoping everyone comes out and enjoys the night while we raise some money for the Cancer Foundation [of Saskatchewan]."

 To pick up a pledge sheet of your own, you can visit us during business hours at the Golden West Broadcasting office located at 305 Souris Ave. in Weyburn. To donate online or register for the Relay, click HERE.  

The Relay for Cancer will make its debut at the Credit Union Spark Centre's indoor track on Friday, October 13th between 7:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Lace up your sneakers, seek out pledges, and make a real difference for cancer patients seeking treatment here in our home province. In the battle against cancer, nobody walks alone. 

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