Damage to cars, roofs, and all manner of objects was the result of a hailstorm that tore through the southeast on Sunday.

That means a lot of possessions will need repairing or replacing with insurance claims going out across the area.

SGI Spokesperson Tyler McMurchy says they've been seeing a good amount of claims come in to help with damaged cars and other property.

"We are seeing quite a few claims coming in from this weekend's storm, a big number of those that are coming from the Estevan area, but not exclusively limited to that. This number will probably change quite a bit, we've seen more than 1250 auto claims from this past weekend's storm, predominantly hail claims as you would imagine, and we've also seen 230 property claims in Saskatchewan. Now that's mostly from wind and hail, although we are also seeing some water claims in that as well."

McMurchy says he expects that number to grow as SGI's teams are still working through claims.

He describes some of the ways people can make a claim if their insured property is damaged.

"You can start your claim online with our auto E-claim service. You can also visit a claim centre or call us toll-free between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., probably best to do it online though. You can do it 24 hours a day and you will not have to wait on hold, we do have very busy phone lines at the moment so the best way to do it would probably be to start that online."

You can also do property claims online, though the process will be a bit different.

During the course of the claim damage will be appraised, but McMurchy still recommends taking a photo to make sure you have proof of the damage.

"It's never a bad idea to document the damage that you are seeing, particularly on the property side. We can also talk about what you need if you're dealing with loss or damage caused by wind, hail, or rain and you have coverage through SGI Canada."

"So what we would do is ask you to contact your SGI Canada insurance broker so they can advise you about the coverage you have on your policy and help you submit your claim or you can also contact us directly as well, so there are a couple of different options, there."

When dealing with the damaged property McMurchy says it would be best to keep it but it can be thrown out if need be.

"Don't throw out any damaged property without your adjuster's approval or if you can't store it, take a lot of really good pictures and your adjuster may also make you ask you to make a list to describe each item as well. So if you have experienced some property damage, you can kind of start to clean up the property yourself."

"If need be, you can hire a professional restoration company, but we do advise you to keep track of any work you did, how long it took, or any of course receipts from their restoration company that can also be a part of your insurance claim as well."

McMurchy says that the process after making a claim is highly dependent on the nature and complexity of the claim.

"We try and make it as straightforward for customers as possible though, so you know if you've done a good job of kind of documenting your damaged property and your adjuster may see it and then assess your loss, give you a form to fill out and you can return to your adjuster, and then your settlement will proceed."

"Every insurance claim is a little bit different, but we do try and make it as seamless as possible. We understand that this is not a fun time for anyone, no matter what kind of customer service you get. You know this is going to be a bit of a stressful time for people, but we'll work with you to help you restore your property and get life back to normal as soon as we can."