Henry the goat is indeed the G.O.A.T. - the greatest of all time for making people smile.

It's not often you see a costumed and diapered goat in public around Weyburn, or at least not until recently.

However, Jeremy and Rhonda Garling have relocated back to Jeremy's family farm from Kisbey in the past week, and they've brought with them a special crew.

For those who may have already noticed or those who will soon, the Garlings are usually accompanied by a diaper-wearing goat, or two, or three.

Henry was even dressed as a unicorn for the trade fair held at Knox Hall on Saturday. 

"He's a bottle baby," Jeremy explained. "Ever since he was a baby, we've taken him out into daycares and nursing homes, and communities, just make people smile. We don't ask for nothing, just pay it forward."

Rhonda said the unicorn costume isn't out of the ordinary as they love to dress up their female goats during summertime in tutus.

She said this all came about after Jeremy had fallen ill with Lyme disease.

"We used to ride horses together, but he couldn't, because his legs didn't work, he couldn't safely ride and so a friend of ours, her father had Alzheimer's, and he had a team of ponies with the cart, she donated it to us so Jeremy could go out with me with the pony and cart and I can ride so we can enjoy our time together," she explained.

From there she said they brought the ponies into town and received a lot of attention toward the animals. They 'upped their game' and decided to take the animals out just to spread cheer.

The diapers, she noted, are worn by the goats out of respect for the communities they visit. They have visited many nursing homes and daycares in the southeast.

Jeremy, who can now walk with a cane, and is talking, has dressed up as Santa Claus while they take animals around for visits, and they even delivered presents on behalf of parents with their sleigh and ponies.

While they're not a petting zoo, or a business of any kind, they have found themselves in a position to be sharing their animals in various ways, including having a 'painted pony' at an event, which also included their horse Wilbur, their ponies Bonnie and Clyde, the goats, rabbits, and ducks.

"It's just simply to make people smile and laugh," she added.

The Garlings are hoping to be welcomed into some local nursing homes and other places where the animals would be able to benefit others.