With warmer weather comes an increase in mischief incidences. Due to several reports of mischief last week, the Weyburn Police Service is advising on reporting and preventing crimes of opportunity.

Two incidences of graffiti last week at two schools, St. Michael School and Weyburn Comprehensive School, are under investigation, as are several reports of car-diggings.

Sergeant Shane St. John reminds the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.

"A lot of the people keep their eyes open. That's the most important thing. And if you see something, report it," he said. "When you see it, call us. We're 24 hours a day. So whether that's a noisy party, or there's maybe a bunch of people walking the street, being very loud or drinking, or in a park, or what have you, call it in when it's occurring so we can attend."

He said if the incident is being reported the next day, it's not as easy to find out who is responsible for the mischief.

"You never know. It's easier to check and make sure everything's okay and it's nothing, than to check and then find they're up to no good. That's what we're out for and that's why we work 24 hours a day to try to stop any of that from happening."

St. John noted that, when crimes of opportunity like car-diggings or other suspicious activity are reported, police are often able to catch those who are in breach of conditions and bring them into custody. 

"They usually look like they're out of place," he pointed out. "People always think they're kids going in, but I'll tell you right now, it's adults, usually with addictions issues, that are going through properties and vehicles looking for anything they can to support, unfortunately, their addictions."

He said he knows from his experience that those struggling with addictions are aware of what pawn shops in Regina would take, and what was valuable.

"So they're looking for certain things that they know they could sell. That'd be even some things stolen out of garages and sheds. They will leave some things behind, but they'll take others that they know they can sell quickly." 

St. John also shared, "I don't think people realize that people feel very violated by that. We don't look at it as a minor thing, either, because that's their property, that's their things. And I know it really upsets them to have some stranger go through their vehicle or their garage or house, God forbid."

Keeping your vehicle locked, with no valuables in sight, is one of the best ways to prevent car-diggings.

"It's better just to keep everything hidden, keep your vehicles locked. Don't give them that opportunity to go into your vehicle."

Another way police can hold individuals accountable for these kinds of things is through doorbell cameras. 

"If you have a camera that looks towards your driveway or the street, those are very important. Say you had a crime on your street. Take a look at your camera. Maybe there's something there that would be very beneficial for us, and then please call us if you have something on that camera that we can check out."

He said if there is a crime in a residential area, police will go around and check with neighbours to inquire about cameras in case the incident was captured on it. 

"Please, if you have those, keep an eye on it, because it picks up things that are very important to us. They're very beneficial to us, and we've been using them more and more. Policing has changed so much over the years and those cameras have come so far. They help identify people all the time."