It's time for the public to vote for their top three favourite murals in an online forum. Those with the most votes will be painted onto the dugouts at Jubilee Park.

The Weyburn Arts Council received a total of 70 submissions of mural designs.

"Which is amazing, way more than what we expected. So thank you to the public of Weyburn for submitting so many amazing designs," said Regan Lanning, Curator of the Weyburn Art Gallery, and the City Representative for the Weyburn Arts Council.

"We gathered all those together and we, within the City of Weyburn, managed to whittle the 70 designs down through several rounds of voting to a top 10," she explained. "We've now taken those top 10 and we've put them into a public online voting platform and shared that link publicly. So anyone, everyone is invited to click that link and head on over and pick your top three designs."

Find the link to vote HERE.

Lanning said the voting deadline is June 1st. 

"We don't need to draw it out too much, so we're hoping to get a lot of people voting in the next week or so because there are some really top-notch designs in there."

She said it's all anonymous, and voters just need to pick their top three design choices. 

"The top three designs chosen will be awarded $250 for the use of their design. They are also invited to come help us paint the design if they would like, but of course they they have no [obligation] to have to do that," she added. 

"We'd also like to thank the family and friends of Gloria Onstad. She was a long-term Weyburn Arts Council member and, upon her passing, she was kind enough to remember Arts Council and we received a fair amount of money from her family and friends in her memory," Lanning shared.

"Gloria loved art, but she also really loved baseball. So we thought that this was the absolute best way to honor her memory. So all of the funds that we were are awarding to those winning designs come from the donations of Gloria Onstad's friends and family." 

One dugout painting will be taking place this weekend that was, as Lanning said, "generated within the Weyburn Arts Council family."

"That one is going on the first ball diamond when you are leaving the Spark Centre, and walking into Jubilee Park," she noted. "It is a celebration of all things that you can do in Jubilee Park. It is a really fun, inclusive design that showcases everything from pickleball to soccer to art and other things you can do in Jubilee Park. Dog walking, rollerblading, all the things you can do in the park, even cricket, all sorts of fun things are there. So that'll be our first design, and then we'll be painting two of the designs chosen through the public voting this summer as well, and then the third design will be painted in May of next year." 

Follow the Weyburn Arts Council on Facebook HERE.